Slow Cinema w/ Cardboard Castles & Crosstown Killers
Slow Cinema w/ Cardboard Castles & Crosstown Killers

Slow Cinema w/ Cardboard Castles & Crosstown Killers

The Stag & Hunter Hotel (Mayfield, NSW)
Saturday, 3 May 2025 8:00 pm
46 days away
18 Plus

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Slow Cinema’s music draws upon a kaleidoscope of influences to create a genre-bending experience, stomping through breakneck raging rock offerings, delicate poetic moments, and infectious indie anthems. The release of their self-titled EP in March 2024 has seen rave reviews, having been called a “masterclass exploration in light and shade” and “a sonically rich five-track EP…featuring energetic basslines, catchy guitar riffs and propulsive rhythmic arrangements.” 


“Slow Cinema have managed to encapsulate the moment of inspiration when Gen

X/Millennials discovered their parents' vinyl collection and merged older flavours with

alternative flair” - The Point Music News


This is only the first glimpse of the way Slow Cinema integrates vivid lyrical imagery with magnetic instrumental landscapes within their music, leaving listeners to dive further and further into the music on repeat listens. 


“If Ocean Alley were fronted by a crazed Mick Jagger, it'd sound a bit like this jam. But

probably not as cosmic or charismatic as Slow Cinema does” - Al Newstead, Triple J


The chaos and passion of Slow Cinema’s live shows keep fans coming back for more, as their songs fervently beckon you to join the dancefloor and be a part of the show along with the band. 

“There's a dark and devilish streak to Slow Cinema's music it's always lurking underneath the surface, but it threatens to break through often enough to keep you engaged " - Newcastle Herald